Scroll 近藤研究室 Kondo Group



1. 角度分解光電子分光(ARPES)

1. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)

物質の電気的・磁気的性質は主にフェルミ準位近傍の価電子や伝導電子の振る舞いに支配されます。物質中を自由に動きまわるこの電子がある温度で超伝導を示したり、はたまた電子同士のクーロン斥力で動けなくなって絶縁化したり、その性質は結晶を構成する元素や原子配列などでがらりと変化して多種多様です。ですので、電子が物質中でどのような運動をしているのかを詳しく調べることは、不思議な物性を理解して説明する上で必要になります。こういった電子の状態を実験的に調べる手法として角度分解光電子分光(Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, ARPES)が知られています。

Electrons in conduction and valence states near the Fermi level determine the characteristics of materials. These electrons can exhibit various states depending on elements and crystal structures. Therefore, a direct investigation of electron behaviors is necessary to explain the characteristics of materials. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) is an experimental method to study electronic structures.


In ordinary photoemission spectroscopy measurements, light with higher energy than the work function is irradiated on a material, and electrons (photoelectrons) emitted from the materials are investigated; the energies of photoelectrons are associated with the binding energy of electrons in the materials. In ARPES, we measure the emission angles of photoelectrons as well as the energies to obtain the band dispersion (relationship between the momentum and binding energy in a solid). Lasers and synchrotron lights are available as light sources; different photon energies can measure different properties of electron structures.


We have ARPES machines with high-intensity, highly monochromatic, and short-pulsed lasers. We add "ultrahigh-resolution," "spin-resolved," or "time-resolved" features to such state-of-the-art ARPES systems to tackle challenging problems in condensed matter physics. In addition to laser-ARPES, We use synchrotron facilities around the world; particularly, we are focusing on nano-ARPES with spatial resolution better than 1 μm.

図1-1: 光電子効果を原理とするARPESと実際に測定されたAu(111)表面状態のバンド分散の画像。
Figure 1-1: Schematic of ARPES and the measured band dispersion of Au(111) surface states.

2. 銅酸化物高温超伝導体における「小さなフェルミ面」と「大きなフェルミ面」

"Small Fermi surface" and "Large Fermi surface" in cuprate high-temperature superconductor


The most important unsolved problem in cuprate high-temperature superconductor is "the relationship between antiferromagnetic electrons in the parent Mott insulator and electrons forming Cooper pairs by carrier doping." In cuprate superconductor, superconductivity is obtained by doping carriers to the parent Mott insulator. So, there were discussions whether "superconductivity can coexist with antiferromagnetic order" or "superconductivity can be obtained only by breaking the antiferromagnetic order." This problem is called "the small Fermi surface" and "the large Fermi surface" problem from the shape of the Fermi surface. From previous studies, neither of them but an ark like Fermi surface is observed, and the problem still remains.


In this research, we focus on the five-layer cuprate superconductor which has a structurally flat and homogeneously doped superconducting layer. From the observation of electronic structure by the high-resolution laser-ARPES (Fig. 2-1), and quantum oscillation measurement with high field (Fig. 2-2), we observe the electrons forming Cooper pairs in the antiferromagnetic order2-1. These two results show good agreement, different from previous reports which showed disagreement between theoretical calculation and experiment, or between different measurements. Based on these results, in Kondo-lab, we aim to get close to the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity by revealing the relationship between high-temperature superconductivity and Mott insulator through the research on multi-layered cuprate.

2-1: So Kunisada et al., Science 369, 833 (2020)

図2-1: ARPESから得られた0245Fのフェルミ面。 (a) EFについて10 meVのエネルギー内でARPES強度を足し合わせることによって得られたフェルミ面。(b) 図(a)の白い破線の長方形で囲まれた領域の拡大画像。横軸と縦軸の目盛りは、白い両方向矢印で示されている。2-1
Figure 2-1: Fermi surface of 0245F obtained by ARPES (a) Fermi surface obtained by integrating 10 meV around EF. (b) Zoomed image of the area shown in white dotted box in (a). The scale is shown by white arrow.2-1
図2-2: 量子振動によって明らかにされた小さなフェルミポケット。(a)磁気トルク測定で得られた、0245Fのドハース振動(ドハースファンアルフェン: dHvA)。(b) 図(a)で観測された量子振動のFFTスペクトル。矢印は2つの主要なピークを示す。挿入図は、dHvAとARPESによって推定された2つのフェルミポケットの面積を、ブリルアンゾーンの面積の%として示している。2-1
Figure 2-2: Small Fermi pocket revealed by quantum oscillation. (a) de Haas van Alphen (dHvA) oscillation of 0245F by magnetic torque measurement. (b) FFT spectrum of the quantum oscillation of (a). Two arrows show the main peaks. Inset shows the area of Fermi pockets obtained by dHvA and ARPES in percentage of brillouin zone.2-1

3. トポロジカル物質の電子状態観測

3. Electronic structure of topological materials


Topological materials are distinguished from normal (topologically trivial) materials by band topology characterized by band degeneration and inversion. Topological insulators and Weyl semimetals are famous examples of them, and recently they have been studied rapidly. Here we introduce our research on these two kinds of topological materials.


Topological insulators have nontrivial topological numbers defined in time-reversal symmetry. Only a few integers can be a topological number, so material characteristics associated with topology are hardly affected by distortion and impurity. While the inside of a topological insulator is a normal insulator, it has metallic electronic states on the surface or edge of a crystal, which connect conduction and valence states.


Topological insulators were theoretically proposed in 2005, and they have been studied theoretically and experimentally. First, a strong topological insulator, which has metallic surface states on all crystals surfaces, was experimentally identified. We observed the electronic states of a weak topological insulator for the first time, which has metallic surface states only on the side surfaces of a crystal, by the combination of high-energy-resolution laser ARPES and microscopic synchrotron ARPES (Fig. 3-1)3-1. In addition to conventional topological insulators, nontrivial topological numbers associated with crystal symmetries also produce topological surface states. Recently, theorists proposed higher-order topological insulators with nontrivial electronic states only on the edges of three-dimensional crystals. We experimentally observed one-dimensional electronic states between the bulk bandgap of a higher-order topological insulator by precise ARPES measurements with a laser (Fig. 3-2)3-2. While topological insulators have been of interest since around 2007, many theoretical predictions are not yet investigated experimentally. We study many topological phenomena by directly observing the electronic states of such materials.

3-1: Ryo Noguchi et al., Nature 566, 518 (2019).

3-2: Ryo Noguchi et al., Nature Materials 20, 473 (2021).

図3-1: (a)強いトポロジカル絶縁体の電子状態。結晶の表面すべてに金属的電子状態を持つ。 (b)ARPESにより観測された弱いトポロジカル絶縁体Bi4I4の電子状態3-1。(100)面は金属的表面状態を持つが(001)面はそのような状態を持たない。
Figure 3-1: (a)Electronic structure of a strong topological insulator. All crystal surfaces have metallic surface states. (b)Electronic structure of a weak topological insulator Bi4I43-1. (100) surface has metallic states while (001) surface does not.
図3-2: (a)高次トポロジカル絶縁体Bi4Br4においてヒンジのみに現れる電子状態3-2。(b)通常の絶縁体α-Bi4I4の電子状態。
Figure 3-2: (a)Electronic states only on the hinges of a higher-order topological insulator Bi4Br43-2. (b)Electronic states of a normal insulator α-Bi4I4.


Weyl semimetals have topological characters originating from broken time-reversal or inversion symmetries. Broken symmetry causes nontrivial Berry curvature, which modulates electronic states as a magnetic field in the reciprocal space. As a result, the anomalous Hall effect (Hall effect without magnetic field) is induced. Such properties can be applied to fabricate more efficient devices.


Since band degenerations at points (Weyl points) contribute to Berry curvature as monopoles, observation of these band dispersions directly identifies Weyl semimetals. We observed band dispersions of a magnetic Weyl semimetal with broken time-reversal symmetry for the first time (Fig. 3-3)3-3. Weyl semimetals were theoretically proposed in 2011, and we continue to develop the research field of Weyl semimetals by the investigation of theoretically proposed candidates.

3-3: Kenta Kuroda et al., Nature Materials 16, 1090 (2017).

図3-3: (a)Weyl半金属のイメージ図。バンドの縮退点がモノポールとなってBerry曲率に寄与している。 (b)ARPESにより観測されたWeyl磁性体Mn3Snの電子状態3-3。赤丸と青丸は理論的に予測されたWeyl点の位置を表す。
Figure 3-3: (a)Schematic of Weyl semimetals. Degenerate points contribute to Berry curvature as monopoles. (b)Band dispersions of a magnetic Weyl semimetal Mn3Sn3-3. Red and blue points indicate Weyl points theoretically predicted.

4. 強相関電子系が示す特異な物理現象の解明

4. Strongly correlated systems


As many as 1023 electrons in a solid can strongly interact with each other and the background, such as phonons and spins. As a result, their harmonic behaviors create interesting phenomena that are unpredictable from the individual electrons. This type of materials is called 'strongly correlated systems.' Strongly correlated systems include transition metal compounds (d-electron systems), rare-earth intermetallic compounds (f-electron systems) and so on. The d-electrons or f-electrons have a strong electronic correlation, so as to exhibit novel quantum phenomena like magnetism, Kondo physics, or spin/charge density wave. However, the strong many-body interaction by huge numbers of electrons is very complicated and hard to understand. Thus, interpretations and controls of the interactions are one of the major goals of modern physics.

近藤研究室ではこうした強相関電子系に注目して、ARPESを中心とした電子状態観測で得られるミクロな視点で新規な強相関電子機構の解明や開拓を目指しています。我々の研究成果から、CeSbの「悪魔の階段」における劇的な電子状態の再構成について紹介します。CeSbは膨大な数ある磁性体の中で最も複雑な磁性を示す物質の1つとして知られていおり、わずかな温度で次々と磁気配列を変化させます。この現象は、その複雑怪奇さから「悪魔の階段」として知られ、1977年の発見から40年以上経った現在でもメカニズムが謎のままでした。私たちは、この「悪魔の階段」における電子状態を、高い空間分解能を有する顕微 レーザーARPESで測定し、伝導電子の運動状態が磁気相転移ごとに劇的に変化する様子を初めて捉えることに成功しました(図4-1)4-1, 4-2。この結果は本来自由に動き回るはずの伝導電子が 4f電子の局在磁気モーメントが織りなす超周期構造と協奏状態にある事を示しています。この研究成果は、40年以上もの長い間謎とされてきた固体物理の問題に新たな知見をもたらした極めて重要な結果です。

We try to explore these strongly correlated systems from the viewpoint of the microscopic electronic structure, mainly by ARPES. As one of the examples, we show a dramatic electronic reconstruction in the 'devil's staircase' of CeSb here. CeSb presents one of the most complex magnetic phase transitions, in which various long-periodic magneto-structures sequentially appear one after another with decreasing temperature. This strange phenomenon is known as the 'devil's staircase', and its mechanism has remained out of reach so far, more than 40 years after its discovery. We observed the electronic structure in the 'devil's staircase' by microscopic laser ARPES and revealed its dramatic variation with each magnetic phase transition (Fig. 4-1)4-1, 4-2. This result indicates that the itinerant electrons are harmonically correlated with a superstructure of the localized magnetic moments of 4f electrons. This brings new insight into the significant interplay between the itinerant electrons and the localized electrons to the long-standing mystery of solid-state physics.

図4-1: CeSbの「悪魔の階段」と共に移り変る電子状態の変化を捉えた ARPES 画像4-1。わずかな温度変化で劇的に変化している様子がわかる。
Figure 4-1: Temperature evolution of the laser-ARPES images of CeSb along the 'devil's staircase.'

4-1: Kenta Kuroda, Yosuke Arai et al., Nature Communications 11, 2888 (2020).

4-2: Yosuke Arai, Kenta Kuroda et al., Nature Materials in press.

5. 表面・薄膜の2次元電子状態

5. Two-dimensional electronic structure in surfaces or thin films


In three-dimensional crystals, which are often the subject of physical properties research, there is three-dimensional translational symmetry, and electrons in the crystal move following this type of symmetry. In contrast, thin film composed of several atomic layers or crystal surfaces has no translational symmetry perpendicular to the surface, and a new electronic state is realized that differs from the one inside a three-dimensional crystal.


A characteristic phenomenon that occurs in thin films and crystal surfaces is the Rashba effect, in which the electronic state is spin-split in momentum space due to strong spatial inversion symmetry breaking; Bi/Ag(111) surface alloys, in which only 1/3 atomic layer of Bi is deposited on an Ag(111) surface, are a typical example. It is known that the combination of an Ag substrate and the strong spin-orbit coupling of Bi produces giant spin splitting. We are investigating the mechanism of this giant spin splitting in high-quality thin films fabricated by molecular beam epitaxy by using a high resolution and polarization tunable laser spin-, ang angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (laser-SARPES) system (Fig. 5-1).


In addition, electrons are confined in thin film samples formed at the atomic layer level, resulting in quantization of the electronic state. Furthermore, it is expected that such two-dimensional electronic states will become spin-triplet superconducting, which is not easily realized in three-dimensional crystals. By performing spin-resolved laser-ARPES on thin film samples, we are also exploring new two-dimensional properties such as novel superconductivity.

5-1: Ryo Noguchi et al., Physical Review B 95, 041111(R) (2017).

図5-1: (a)Laser-SARPES測定の概略。 (b)実際に測定されたBi/Ag(111)表面合金のバンド分散5-1。赤、青はそれぞれ上向き、下向きにスピン偏極している状態を表す。©2017 American Physical Society
Figure 5-1: (a) the experimental geometry of Laser-SARPES measurement. (b) measured band dispersion of Bi/Ag(111) surface alloy, where red and blue represent up and down spin polarization, respectively5-1.©2017 American Physical Society

6. 3Heを用いた極低温ARPES装置の開発

6. Development of cryogenic ARPES system using  3He


Cuprate superconductors are well known as unconventional superconductors that do not follow the BCS theory. On the other hand, there are also many unconventional superconductors with low transition temperatures that exhibit a variety of interesting properties, including nematic superconductors, heavy-fermion superconductors, and topological superconductors. However, the conventional liquid helium (4He) cooling mechanism of the ARPES system is insufficient to observe the electronic structure of the superconducting states of these superconductors, because the achievable temperature is only a few K. Therefore, we are developing an ARPES system using 3He, an isotope of 4He. 3He has a lower boiling point than 4He, and lower temperatures can be achieved by vaporizing liquefied 3He by depressurizing it. We are also working to improve the energy resolution to match the energy scale of the low temperature (few hundred μeV), aiming for the ARPES system with the world's lowest temperature and highest energy resolution.

図6-1: 開発中の3Heを用いた極低温レーザーARPES装置。
Figure 6-1: Low-temperature laser ARPES system using 3He.

7. 時間・スピン分解 ARPES 装置の開発

7. Time-, spin-, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy


Spin of electrons is an important degree of freedom that determines the properties of electrons in solids and is responsible for the origin of various physical properties such as magnetism and transport. Coupled with the recent development of spintronics, the analysis of electron spin is becoming increasingly necessary not only for its interest as a basic science but also for its application. Spin-resolved ARPES enables complete determination of the electron spin, in addition to the conventional ability of ARPES to resolve the electronic structure in terms of momentum and energy. ISSP has been developing spin-resolved ARPES instruments for many years and is a world leader in this field. Recently, we have newly realized laser spin-resolved ARPES7-1,7-2 combined with a 7eV laser, and have played a major role in the discovery of topological superconductors7-3 and electron spin optical control7-4,7-5.


Kondo Lab is attempting to upgrade this laser spin-resolved ARPES system to pump-and-probe spin-resolved ARPES by introducing a short-pulse high-order harmonic laser. The laser to be introduced is a 10.7 eV laser developed by Prof. Kobayashi's group at ISSP. This laser features a time resolution of 100 fs order and a high intensity in the 1 mW class, enabling high-resolution time- and spin-resolved measurements. Using this device, we aim to pioneer research on optical spintronics, such as photo-induced spin phenomena, by observing the appearance of materials excited by pump light at femtoseconds, separating carrier and spin dynamics.

7-1: Koichiro Yaji et al., Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 053111 (2016).

7-2: K. Kuroda et al., Journal of Visualized Experiments 136, e57090 (2018).

7-3: Peng Zhang et al., Science 360, 182 (2018).

7-4: Kenta Kuroda et al., Physical Review B 94, 165162 (2016).

7-5: Koichiro Yaji et al., Nature Communications 8, 14588 (2017).

(a)スピン分解laser-ARPES装置の画像 (b)
図7-1: (a)物性研で開発された、スピン分解laser-ARPES装置7-1。 (b)Bi2Se3表面状態から放出されたスピン偏極光電子の直線偏光依存性7-4
Figure 7-1: (a)Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy machine based on 7 eV laser7-1. (b)Polarization dependency of spin-polarized photoelectrons from surface states of Bi2Se37-4.




We use various ARPES techniques to investigate electronic structures of crystals.


We are also carrying ARPES experiments at synchrotron light sources around the world.